Right after Paris, I spent a couple of days in London and then flew to Spain for Easter holidays.
I started running again, although I still had a subtle pain in my heel.

After a couple of runs, I felt solid and strong again, but after the third one, a fun 11k between trails and roads, something felt off in my knee.

I was working from home, and when I stood up to go downstairs to get some water, I realised something wasn’t right. The pain remained throughout the day, and even going for a walk felt bad, but the day after, I barely felt anything at all.

As my plan after the marathon is to reduce my running and get back into CrossFit, I just trained in the box the following week and decided to go for a 'non-goal' run on Saturday.

Everything was fine until the 6th km when the pain in my knee hit again, and I had to stop. Actually, if you notice on the SIDE B of the track, the path remains open, as I couldn't make it home.

I spent the whole weekend at home, holding an ice pack over my knee and trying not to do much, but after a couple of days, I was feeling fine.

During that time, I spent a lot of time thinking about Track&Record and what's next, now that I probably won't be running for a couple of weeks, and my mileage will decrease.

I realised that the project has somehow turned into something way too personal, when my initial aim was to build it through more collaboration. And not just that, since I started this project, I've wasted a lot of time overthinking the aesthetic of the platform, whether I should commit to posting something weekly or not... making me hate the project more than enjoying it.

Somehow, I feel like I needed this 'injury time' to stop and think, and that's what I'm doing now. I have ideas on how to steer the next phase of T&R, whether they are going to work or not, I don't know, but as I always say, you just gotta go.