I gave myself a couple of weeks without running at all to let my knee rest after feeling pain during my last few runs.

After the marathon, I thought I would experience the 'runner blues' Murakami talks about in his book. It has happened to me before – that boredom you feel after training for a while, the repetitiveness, what the French describe as 'ennui.' I guess that's why I started doing more CrossFit instead of running again. Nonetheless, the truth is that since I got injured and the weather has been getting better, I've really missed running during these past couple of weeks when I had to stop.

As I was concerned about my knee, I went to the physiotherapist and received the same answer I got the first time I got injured: my calves and butt are too weak compared to my quads.

When it comes to lifting, gymnastics, or any sport other than running, I care about technique. However, when it comes to running, something I've always done and naturally enjoyed, I've refused to focus on metrics.

That said, I'm not going to ignore the physiotherapist's words and recommendations, but I don't want to force what comes as effortless movement.

He recommended going for a light run at an easy pace to see how I'd feel. Of course, I ended up going faster than he wanted me to, but I couldn't help myself.

The feeling of my feet hopping on the ground, my hair flowing freely, the speed...
Running connects me with something primitive that has always been inside me.